Alternative Realities, Archons, Aliens, Apocolypto...
Hidden History delves into the Obscure Nature of the Reality Control Grid. Also, Farming Human Consciousness as Food for Alien Beings Higher Up in the Food Chain in Multidimensional Reality.
Okay, take this for what it is. We live in a simulation where we exist in relative bliss of ignorance of precisely the nature of the medium in which we move and act, much as fish are clueless regarding the watery medium in which they swim.
It is only by straying beyond the collective understanding that individuation becomes possible. It is only by encounters with the unknown and unknowable that we learn of their existence. Very few understand the hold that binds them, from the conditioning learning experiences of life, that keeps them in check with poor quality knowledge. Ideas have been passed down to us that have obscured the true nature of reality, concealing also our own mystification.
It is by questioning all that we think that we come to witness our own psychological imprisonment and double bind.
One must dare to be different and to know things that others cannot, and to brazenly be the person that they are meant to be, no matter the thoughts of others.
There is an inherent imperative for every individual to fulfil the potentiality of their consciousness evolutionary journey in this lifetime. To do so entails surrendering false illusion; to reject the outside forces controlling the reach, sphere and capacity to Know Thy Self.
There are alternative dimensions of self that are being hidden from us and stunted in every way possible. To believe that there is nothing other than the physical material plain of this dimension is a travesty of one’s multidimensional birthright.
I’m particularly interested in the microcosmic permutations of this reality because what is true at the micro level must also be true at the macro level.
Wave Particle Duality is evidence that our reality is interactive. This means that we can shape our reality. By knowing that we live in a probabilistic virtual simulation with consciousness at its base foundation, allows us to reimagine reality. In order for that to happen, the old foundations of cold reason and hard objective logic must be seen for what they are: Modalities of thought that make the heart turn to stone.
Without full access to our blighted modalities of empathy, intuition and imagination, there is no possibility of using ideas as portals to exit the matrix.
Logic makes prisoners of us all. Logic and reason are just one spoke in the wheel of our ability to know anything, but on its own no wheel can exist, and no true knowledge can really be known.
The extent of manipulation of reality can be taken to extremely probabilistic possibilities using only verifiable information, but more so when we stray into the realms of the unlikely. A paradox? Not quite. Let me explain further.
By analysing the surrounding data in an unchartered magnitude of Truth beyond conventional lines of thinking using a balance of probability to steer ones way, patterns emerging from the Matrix Reality System gives raw data points context and meaning. At this point data becomes information of value. We are able to formulate faster iterations of reality, especially the more we are faced with radical change and threat of survival. Instinct is engaged, heightening awareness around key characteristics concerning constraints that suppress validity of human thought. By identifying the external and internal constraints upon information gathering and processing, it is possible to reprogramme the human computer to reorganise the information into a higher magnitude of Truth. This is entropy reduction in consciousness. With less entropy, consciousness increases it's quality. As reality processing speeds up, higher orders of Truth bud and bloom. As higher orders of Truth became attainable, the subjective reality of the Individual is given continuous improvements and upgrading.
This is about consciousness and the process that consciousness reduces entropy/ disorder in its information and there is no greater living authority on the subject as Tom Campbell who wrote the, “My Big TOE Trilogy.” His Theory of Everything from the standpoint of both physics and consciousness, integrates its solving of impossible paradoxes with Consciousness Exploration, as first developed by Robert Monroe, from whence the revered Monroe Institute sprang.
As it would so happen, transdimensional visitations to Alternate Reality Systems is more common than one might think.
Tom Campbell, original Explorer, with Dennis Mennerich, with Robert Monroe pouring his immense wealth made from a successful telecommunications business or some such enterprise, into setting up laboratories of strict scientifically verifiable apparatus, in double blind circumstances, scientifically verified the possibility of intradimensional travel.
We are not our bodies, they are but our avatars. We are not our Egos, which is a product of fear. We are consciousness and have information processing capacities to bring to bear on our search for ever higher orders of Truth. Such travellers amongst us are pioneers of a Free Humanity. How to Escape the Matrix 101.
It is in this context that we might be capable of questioning the existence amongst us of Alien Species. And to understand how our reality system can be hacked by species of the unfriendly as well as the friendly varieties, who by virtue of their knowledge of intradimensional travel, by understanding the medium in which they move - an information system - are able to interface with our dimension.
We need to be clear that we are engaged in a spiritual war against principalities, demons and against spiritual wickedness. We are talking of Alternative Reality Systems Hijacking our Reality System. This is High Jinx and Double Jeopardy in one.
It behooves us all to be mindful of the snares of our Matrix Reality by understanding how it works. Tom Campbell did this form me.
A pdf copy of the work of Carlos Castaneda on Dreaming.
In closing; The lenses we have become accustomed to wearing when viewing and assessing reality distorts the communication of information. Limited experience begets more of the same. Only by pushing the boundaries is it possible to validify new emerging magnitudes of Truth. To remain ensconced in a comforting view of reality lulls the instincts into submission, blunts awareness, and inhibits new learning.
The mind is a self sharpening tool. The finer the mind the sharper the blade and the stronger the steel.
It is possible to know things that were determined to be unknown and to speak of our discoveries, whilst it is not possible to speak of things unknowable, unless one has witnessed them first hand, and even then we lack the ability to speak of things for which there are no words, and that appear to the uninitiated as nebulous at best. Is it practical to speak of such things? We may process experiences beyond the known, only if we have the paradigm and the discipline to assess information without having to necessarily assign values to them that do not make logical sense, but by simply assigning the most appropriate level of probability to it’s likelihood, in the light of the body of information from whence it sprang.
The level of constraint placed upon the average level of awareness is such that most people will die without having held witness to the realities of their lives.
There is no easy entry into the orbit of truth and it is also an imperative to use all the power at one's disposal to unearth their own capacity to evolve their consciousness.
We live in an important time in an age of carnage and chaos. What effects one effects all in the Interdependent web of consciousness.
If we are to create a better world, many things are going to have to change. How we learn, grow and change is an organic process of unfolding and utilisation of all of our mind and requires a turning within, to the subconscious. There in the shadows is where the foundational work can be laid.
Visit the Explorer tapes:
Being a quite practical One, I ponder how being in a "virtual reality" changes anything We do... Does that solve for psychopaths in control? Does that feed Us when We are starving? Sure, it's interesting to contemplate, but at the end of the day, unless We aggregately work to solve for the psychopaths, the future will be bugs and frankenfood for All but the useless ELiters. Humble thoughts here.
Consciousness is fundamental and as such, we log into this immersive interactive virtual reality system at birth and log off at death. Consciousness departs life and awakens to it's true nature at death. The avatars that we occupy and our lives, will be as though a dream as we transition to new virtual reality systems. Our options are determined by the quality of our Consciousness. The work we do in this life to further refine consciousness determines the strength of our evolutionary cycles to come.