As stone age babies with residual memories fading like a dream, we are born into fierce mental and emotional conditioning. The violence committed by family member upon family member for so called “Love,” over succeeding generations, is a mar against our so called civilisation. Barbarity is alive and kicking, in the Family.
Yet, our Collective Belief Systems are breaking down.
Everything is to be returned to the melting pot, so that humanity may be recast.
Beliefs about your life were formed using out dated and outmoded fundamental assumptions that infants are taught about the world. Infants are not accredited builders of world views when they are born. They become master builders of their reality using belief systems handed down to them, and then they forget. They forget to go back to verify and ratify what they were taught, they forget about all the simulations that they ran when building their belief systems. They forget about all of the snags and flaws in their design and construction, and are not equipped to retrieve the information required to refine and perfect their knowledge, enhance their depth of understanding and overhaul their world view.
When an intense recapitulation process allows the individual to access parts of themselves that they have forgotten, they set in progress a wave of changes. The domino effect that this has is enormous.
For instance, mirroring quantum entanglement, it borrows from systems theory that each part is fundamentally interdependent and is effected by any changes made to any part. This indicates the complex dynamics involved with changing our beliefs, as to question one assumption has a cascade effect throughout the belief system.
When the belief system is being overhauled drastic changes in how we see and relate to ourselves and world is constantly occurring, like dessert sands shifting in the wind underneath our feet.
Reality=information is a kind of formula with which to navigate the changes. An incumbent dynamic within information catalyses the process of synthesis with each part of the system. It feeds upon itself in positively reinforcing feedback loops that cease to function when an information vacuum has been created through artificial grafting of non-organic thinking. When emergent properties of closed belief systems emerge, they present as contraction and disintegration whilst the opposite is true of a belief system that has been catalysed with contrasting information; they strengthen and expand.
So a process of rebuilding requires first a process of dismantling a system that lacks integrity, to replace it with one that does.
And therein lies the paradox of breaking down in order to rebuild what is a belief system that is no longer fit for purpose.
We must risk living in a quasi state of knowledge until the system is completely overhauled, whilst the interdependent nature of the process, ensures that it is in continual process until direct knowledge is gained. When direct knowledge is obtained the belief system can be minimalized, and it's purpose redefined as scaffold for consciousness, rather than a hard and fast rigid structure created through social conditioning.
The overall gain to an overhauled belief system, is that it is open ended and it allows for further expansion.
Limiting and constricting belief systems constrain our world view so that only a limited amount of light may pass through it, very much like a prism that allows only discernable frequencies of light to become known. An expanded belief system operates more like a crystal ball than a prism, and a wider spectrum of light frequencies can be integrated within it, creating a crucible for further evolution of Consciousness.
A builder uses the best materials in construction, and we must use our best knowledge. Open ended belief systems fosters a progressively expansive world view that can alleviate suffering and create new solutions for interdependent systems, such as communities.
Fundamentally the apparatus around which an individual relates is radically redesigned.
A person is not "who" or "what" it believes itself to be. You think that it does but it doesn't. You are wrong if you believe this, and it doesn't matter whether you are a Prince or pauper, the principles stay the same. Beliefs are not permanent but artifacts of the Spirit of the Times. The Spirit of the Depths is unmovable and is divinely attributed to the other interdependent parts of the creative multidimensional universe.
In an avalanche it is helpful if we can ski the surface rather than be buried underneath the rubble.
Choose beliefs wisely whilst always working towards direct knowledge. When direct knowledge is achieved, use the scaffold of your belief system to air your washing. Iron out the creases and adorn yourself with immaculate appearances, but never lose yourself to those very appearances, never get too attached. It is the grasping after pleasure and pride that brings suffering.
Be as a warrior in this world, always hunting knowledge, for within knowledge is Power and power can rewrite a person's destiny.
Let us be the masters of ourselves until we are no longer separated from the hearth of our eternal beingness.
We are men only within the three dimensions. Beyond it, we are All and Nothing.
A belief system is a reference frame for understanding the world that represents the integrity of our consciousness.
It's either a prison, a fortress or a palace. The so called “ruling elites” forget at their own risk that as soon as the prison is seen, that it is dismantled, and a Fortress is built in its place.
The prison bars of our constricting world view holds us frozen in space and time. To be free, is to see, and to know directly, the Truth. This is what we all attain in an equitable system of life. Which sadly doesn’t yet exist in our times, but it shall, for it is already here, buried in this realm.
The point is that, when our true human condition is perceived, and the enemy in the midst has been singled out, the enemy is obliterated by the full force of the creative source energy in fully awakening consciousness, (consciousness expands, not the universe).
Some of us are battening the hatches, setting out our defences and preparing for the spiritual battle, that we know is coming. We are setting up our battlements, our fortresses.
Our beliefs are being weaponised against the enemy psychopaths. The illuminati.
Ploughs turned to weapons of war, so that the spiritual integrity of creator source energy and consciousness, can be honored and defended.
We get to rebuild the palace of dreams, but not yet. Not before the fortress stage of our consciousness, but after.
After the battle has been won. Until then the rules of war apply.
We must fight and die a thousand million times if necessary, so that those of tomorrow can borrow from our present, our hard fought gains.
Elliot, I do love a writer of user guides, like the ones I do here on the stacks, but I am 70, and I have read this all before. Many times. And now a new crop of writers, same thing. The difference today, imo, is that our belief systems have become hooked to our communication systems, and in tech bro infinite-wisdom, that alone may have doomed the world by the knock-on effects of damaging all the foundational traditional systems. When Silicon Valley meets no Interest Money, watch out, we have learned this.
“Chose beliefs wisely whilst always working towards direct knowledge.”
This one makes me reflect a lot. Thank you for this article 🙏🏿✨