Transcendence Preceeds Ascendence
Healing is in Order to Rise Above and Beyond Pain, Releasing the Hold that the Mundane has Over Us. This has a Liberating Effect that can Facilitate the Reclaiming of Individual Sovereignty
Transcending pain and suffering is attained through becoming untangled with, and non-attachment to, people, places objects of our past desires, and becoming centred in one’s personal truth in the present eternal moment.
We actualise those energies that do not serve us, that are trapped within our holistic energy fields, to attain release.
We can thus let go of the grasping after false ideals that don’t jibe with our overall purpose of transcending and ascending into higher consciousness.
We must recognise that our former selves have always attempted to manifest our highest truth from within a limited and constrained array of inherited beliefs and repeating behaviours. Our essential drive towards individuation and expression of the divine principle within ourselves was thwarted by a cult of social moralisers that have surrounded us since birth.
The lower vibratory resonance of egoic suffering keeps the individual chained to the people and places of the past, in feelings, thoughts and behaviours which have been anchored into our psyche by reinforcing feedback loops, ensuring repeat experiences of the same kind in perpetuity. This is generational karma that is passed on from one generation to the next, repeating endlessly until that cycle is broken, the past healed and then released.
It is common to have been induced into these cycles by those who we have counted on to look after our best interests when we are too young to comprehend the consequences or ramifications of our personal choices.
We learn to trust others because we must, because we have to, there really isn't a choice but to trust our family when we are so utterly dependent upon them; when we are innocent to the ways of the world, we are unable to conceive of our own betrayal. We lack awareness about the true nature of those in whom we are misplacing our trust.
Transcendence becomes possible when we become healed from the neglect of our true selves, of our own pain of self betrayal and self abandonment, brought about through misidentification with the artiface of others, and the trusting of the untrustworthy; when we have seen through the thinly veiled self-centerdness of those who tell us that they love us; but who have utterly failed at the most crucial moments to prove their love to and for us.
Healing requires forgiveness but also a solemn undertaking to ensure that we avoid entering into any soul contracts that do not serve us, whilst revoking old agreements and redefining new terms of engagement with old karmic ties.
“And yet there is something more here, as it seems with so many of the Swords cards. The picture carries a certain balance, a calm acceptance. The hilts of the swords form the top triangle of the Tree of Life, while the points suggest places seven, eight and nine. Four and five form the peaks of the heart, with six the place where the swords meet as they pierce the center. What's missing is the tenth position - thus ten, the place if the physical world, of events, lies below the picture, as if the sorrow has become detached from what caused it and exists in a pure state. The third place on the Tree of Life bears the title Understanding, and this picture can hint at just that - understanding our suffering, not just of any particular event, but maybe of life itself.
All this can seem little comfort to a grim picture, but sometimes if we allow ourselves to take our pain into our hearts, we can raise it up and find healing.”
Rachel Pollack, The New Tarot Handbook, Page 163. (Theme: The flowering energy of the suit).
Many thanks to all the silent contributors to the inspiration behind this article, including but not limited to, the following writers:
(just to name a few) 🙏💜🙏
I accord very much with what you have written here. I find comfort in the common journey we humans undertake and am grateful for this summary.
Thank you Elliot. Your writings are an inspiration.