Truth Seeking Precedes Truth Speaking
Integrity, Congruence and True Purpose Qualifies us to Speak Upon such matters as Determining Imminent Truth from Relative Falsity
Have you noticed how reality comes to us in bite size information and requires of us to place it within its true perspective and context, in so far as we each understand reality?
Have you noticed that when the truth doesn't stack up that it lacks congruence with our own overarching and personal truth?
One must be weary however that our understanding is indeed congruent with our personal truth, even as it reaches to touch Ultimate Truth.
And to be sure that Ultimate truth precedes and succeeds our own truth. That we bow down only to the Absolute Authority and true source of creative life energy, from which all truth owes it’s existence.
Mankind has undermined its ability to know ultimate truth due to it's over reliance upon compartmentalising, dividing, segregating in order to highlight the small truth of empirical scientific method.
Malthusian Darwinism underlies the so called “objective” Scientific Establishment, in as much as Machiavellianism and Hegelian Dialectic underlies the Political Establishment. And these two wings of the Empire crush liberty between them.
The truth that they sneakily hide and avoid to tell us, is that all reality is subjective and we are it's co-creators. We choose either to create authentically, or we continue to follow the methods that will thwart us in those efforts.
I love the reminder that we should strive for congruence between our personal truths and Universal Truth. So simple yet deceptively difficult!
I like the first quote by Einstein. It answers very well the dismissive attitude of some regarding life on earth .. "oh it's only an illusion". Its persistence however means we have to take it more seriously, and suffering (subjective experience) is never an 'illusion', even if we do it to ourselves.