Well said, "But with a good measure of the ancient wisdom teachings, and of analytical psychology, alchemy and magic, with some nudging from spirit itself, it is possible to defy the impossible." When the shaman journeys outside of time and space into non-ordinary reality or the quantum field, what Joe Dispenza calls time space, there are unlimited possibilities and the Universe responds to our most sacred intentions. We become co-creators with Spirit.

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Also well said 🙏

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@Maurice Clive Bisby sent me.

“In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions.” ― Carlos Castaneda, Journey to Ixtlan

Report I made on a mushroom trip:

I was sitting cross-legged on my bed when everything became very calm. Unusually, surreally so. The future was up to me, and what I had to do was “let everything land in my lap.” I was to accept reality with no resistance or drama or story. Reality is what is, regardless of any opinion about it, and I was to anchor myself in this primary perception. I sensed that if even one person practiced total acceptance, and the challenge was for it to be me, it would be the pivot for humanity to get to a new place.

My project he sent me for is to get this circulated:

ESSAY CONTEST with Cash Prizes! Due February 14

It’s January 1, 2050. How, in 2024, did we pull off saving the world?


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Pivots are useful but so are other things like hammers and tongs. The objective of a peaceful universe is predicted upon a reconciled consciousness that is not at war with itself. The inner work precedes the outer work and is it's springboard into the future... We speak of saving the planet when we are all here to do just one thing and One Thing Only. Save Our Souls.

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Maybe write an essay about how work on selves saved the world????

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My dear lady, if you think it's worth it I will consider the proposal. There are far greater writers here than I who have a manner with words that are more familiar to others. I on the other hand just call it as I see it. I admit, the idea is intriguing, although I'm unsure of the gain. I'm just a humble pilgrim speaking straight from the heart. 🙏 I salute your efforts however and wish you best of luck with your endeavour.

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We have to die. We will die. And we are beyond death. I love to ask myself this: “What if this is my last day? How do I want to live it?” If love is all that is truly real, there are no mistakes. Just discernment.

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You've read my post "when I die..."?

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Now I have. Thank you. It was exquisite.

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Ah! Beauty recognises itself. That too, is lovely.

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I've long held that death keeps life in perspective; I suppose that's positive reinforcement when framed in the right way -- although I guess many would see it as negative reinforcement, in which case it's not sustainable and will fail to motivate.

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It's not a motivating factor if it's negatively aspected through interpretation by a mind that is in victim mode; when one feels disempowered. Like anything, our lense used to interpret reality and our reference frame of understanding, is constantly open for review. But if this hasn't been expanded to the point where it can see the positive, everything appears as a threat to the ego. The ego likes its false sense of security. It prefers all manner of delusion, so long as it and its delusions are reinforced, it believes it is safe. The ego would rather the body die than for the true self to emerge and obliterate it's tiny little world. When our consciousness has been alchemised by continually being refreshed in the furnace of self knowledge, the ego withers on the vine like the bad fruit it is.

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Thank you for the interesting reply. Best regards, Josh.

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Best wishes Josh 🙏💜🙏

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