Wow, Elliot, thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with me. I was moved to tears by the notion that there are beings whose purpose it is to protect others (especially children) from traumatic deaths. Thank you so much for your service in that work!

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Interesting piece! I give good probability You really are experiencing these things. Though I remember dreaming as a child - and really, it was mostly nightmares from which I would awaken screaming, somewhere in My early 20's I just stopped remembering them For 40+ years I go to sleep (0 to sleep in 60 seconds) and the next thing I am aware of is waking up 7-9 hours later.

I have tried many things to remember, but to no avail. So if I am doing things in another realm, I have no clue what.

But I have had one spiritual experience that came on while awake... I am pretty sure You have read it but for Others here I offer:

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Author

I suspect that when the ordinary dreams stop, it's because our consciousness is no longer in this dimension, and it's difficult to remember those non physical experiences, when time is sped up, knowing and communication instantaneous. In higher dimensions Time has a longer Delta T, a wider iteration, higher frequency, lower density, lower entropy. This is why it's hard to remember. Practice is the only solution. Meditation allows us to be magnetised towards high quality consciousness.

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Well, I'm quite happy not remembering the nightmares, and even the rare dreams I had were not anything I found important or insightful, just confusing and nonsensical, so... [shrug]

I am at perfect peace with who I am and the work I am doing. 🙏🏻

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What an incredible journey. Thanks for sharing. I have no problem believing your story. I am certain of other dimensions that our 3D awareness in the matrix is oblivious of. You have a special gift.

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Jan 12·edited May 31Author

Many thanks. I'm of the opinion that it's everybody's birthright to experience this, that we are all naturally imbued with the capacity to experience their multidimensionality.

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fully agree

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May 30Liked by Elliot Murray

Noting down experience such as this one, might at first glance seem trivial. Until one considers that these experiences help us understand ourselves, and the nature of the universe.

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When you consider wave particle duality and entangled pairs, and other quantum physics phenomenon such as Tunnelling, there are definite indications that the common place reality of our day to day experience is far more mysterious than most people are aware of, or are willing to consider.

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Thank you for sharing your astral journey! I have had many of these kinds of travels through my Dreamtime. I also had a powerful few years where the veil between the astral and the physical realms was very thin and I was having all sorts of hypnagogic visions of all sorts of astral beings during my waking life. This was after witnessing a motorcycle accident and empathizing really strongly with the near death experience of the woman through it. Since then I have traversed birth as well as past life traumas through the in between states of sleep paralysis. Your story of the child drowning in the mud slide and your alleviation of the stress in his death process was very touching, as one of my strongest past life regressions is one of a traumatic death by drowning or choking. Do you think it’s possible that you were visiting one of your past lives?

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During this experience I felt absolutely no hesitation, this was not my first rodeo, I knew what I was doing. I had no fear. I cannot rule out the possibility.

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What an interesting read. I can well believe your story, having had a two-year phase of many strange 'shamanic journeys' after going on vision-quest. Unfortunately I did not manage to cultivate this ability and gradually it faded away. In the LBL (Life-Between-lives) literature (ref: Michael Newton's work) the way in which people die is a key factor in how they incarnate next time round - and your 'intervention' in the drowning child's death has, I am sure, helped him immensely.

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I love shemanic journeying, there's a sense of connecting with an ancient and timeless aspect of our being. I think that these matters represent several lifetime's work. My interest stems largely from anthropology, ancient myths and mysteries. I've always felt a leaning towards such subjects.

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Jan 12Liked by Elliot Murray

If you want to have spiritual experiences, practice the yoga of meditation. Initially I wrote my experiences down, but decided I was wasting time that could be spent meditating. Many of those experiences are classic and replicated by the millions of devotees who do spiritual practice.

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Thank you very much. For those who wish to have a model/manual for their own consciousness, I highly recommend The Divine Life, by Sri Aurobindo. Also, Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 17Author

Hi @Pearle Snapp Yes considered but no action taken. Yet.

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