Loved this Elliot. One of my favorite books is “The Ego is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday. Much fit. ☺️

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Elliot, WOW. And...much more. Potent. Powerful. Pointed in many directions. I have just started the film on "Magic" and the WORD...not far in so far but want to say before I go further we have shifted or perhaps shifting from the WORD to the NUMBER. Numbers seem to be the base of all communications...and there is no person on the other end hearing, seeing, figuring the number out...perhaps the ON=OFF switch or OFF=ON. Jung is a strong character in the drama of 20th - 21st 100's of years.

Ego is a construct - a conditioned training we all receive until we see through to the fundamental point of the illusion. Drop the ego and see what happens. Empty the mind and there is no bondage.

Nothing of value, nothing in it for the ego. Christ emptied himself...otherwise he would have screamed at the thought of crucifixion.

ONE (On, 1) source...known by many names. Each one or 1 or 2-1 ad finitum of us must find out the Truth or 20, 18, 21, 20, 8. 真実, These lines need to be counted. Hope you can laugh - and just let go of this bit of whole or should it be hole? Does zero or 0 play a role? fly or 6 12 25....飛ぶ

Playfully fly.

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Thank you Fly 🙏 Just weaving a golden thread through the eye of a needle.

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