Love always! Though I am not religious, I surely am spiritual, and surely do My work for Humanity out of deep love for Our grossly beset race! We will prevail!

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We shall Prevail 🙏💜🙏

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It matters not how straight the gate

How charged with punishments the scroll

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul

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I have stood before those gates and passed between the Sphinx

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Thank you Elliot. I was just trying to

explain to someone that I see the Sword of Truth, which simply is the discernment of what is love and what isn’t, as being held upright. War energy against things and battle energy just keeps one entangled. Discernment of what is love, is the path to freedom...or so it seems to me lately 💕🧐💕.

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True Freedom and Love are indivisible

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This is beautiful. Thank you. My heart hurts right now and words like this give it relief. Salute right back to you.

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You are never alone 🙏💜🙏

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But there are places within that only you can go to, much as the love and support is here. .

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Interesting bit of synchrony reading this - I just happen to be learning the poem Invictus for a poetry recital. Apart from that, I'm a great fan of trying to "keep mediocrity at bay" (Van Morrison song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCQ-ZW6WDBU)

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I want to believe this is all just a historical dot on the wavelength curvature that represents our arc. More data points are needed to make a conclusion based on near history. In other words, I don't think any of us know where we are, or where we are going.

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How are the lattes in Kathmandu these days? Thank you for your comment. I respect that this is your truth 🙏

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its gotta be a latte capital of the world, unless every capital on the planet is a latte capital. But i know the guys humping the beans in the hills and then roasting them, and then I grind them and make lattes and mochas and americanos (mostly) all the time. but I do like to visit our equal of Starbucks in Kathmandu, called Himalayan Java, but our version does not serve poison, it's a true organic bean, high altitude, correct moisture all of that. yum.

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I may have to pop over and join you there for a sip or two...

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always welcome!!!

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No two people walk the same path. It's good to have support along the way, but your church or religious institution can't do it for you. No matter how divine the being is that you follow, it's still up to you. You can have the greatest piano teacher in the history of the world, but in the end, YOU have to play the piano.

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Jan 24, 2024
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You did your firkin hair 😂 Nicely said 🙏

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Jan 24, 2024
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Jan 24, 2024
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Prefer Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry 😜

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The Man With No Name

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The very one 🙏

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