This begins with questions leading to an imagination powered by the most wonderfully positive and spiritual sentiments… and as I proceed with the thought experiment it’s all quite alluring.

I’m smiling.

Much like when I first dropped the needle onto John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ as a boy- I’m imagining vibrating until being immersed in all of this electric, warm and fuzzy feeling bliss, and am associated into an existence of peace… one without animosity toward other humans… a place free of violence, fear, of envy and suffering.


I’m in it and now it’s out THERE… it’s just beyond my physical reach.

Much like back in my youth - the song ends and I’m here, and I’m left feeling slightly unnerved.

So I finish reading.

Those sentiments of love, gratitude, acceptance and understanding which powered the imagination experiment are gone.

Not only gone, they are replaced by words of condemnation, of judgement and of dehumanization.. ideals wholly contradictory to the ideals expressed just sentences above.

I get it… the message is clear:

Imagine the perfect world…

We are almost there.

The days are numbered for the ‘inhuman scum’ in power right now. Be excited.

When they are gone we get to build the perfect society.


The undercurrent of utopian idealism is akin to the philosophical teachings of another Lenin.

In case you don’t remember, he’s the one who murdered millions of his own tribe and doomed the entire populace of the largest nation on the planet into decades of despotic totalitarian dictatorship as he failed to manifest his own ideas of a utopian society.

As if that wasn’t enough, European academia added insult to injury when they saw what came of the Bolshevik revolution.

They went back to the drawing board of Utopian design at the Frankfurt School in Vienna.

They came up with counters to western idealism - this time with a different, more nationalist twist.

This particular critique of western idealism- one which when blended with the pseudoscientific insanity of the time, eugenics- brought the planet the Third Reich.

Big problem was that these academics… they happened to be the ‘wrong kind of people’ to be in Europe during the 1930’s. Before Germany annexed Austria they took advantage of an open invitation to be our guests at some of the most prestigious universities of the time… places like Columbia and Cornell and Princeton.

Crazy story. I know.

Here’s what’s even more mind bogglingly ridiculous… there are actually some people, alive

today hoping to try again.

There’s a new spin on the framework this time- it’s got some legs to it and I think ya’ll get what I mean.

Rather than be angry when I recognize this garbage ideology in hiding behind divisive cultural ideas of the zeitgeist, or dipped in new age spiritualism - I just shake my head, smile and spend an hour writing something like this.

I know at least ONE person will read this and snap out of the mind control directive to which they’ve been subjected.

Maybe they’ll do the same for someone else.

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Beautiful thoughts, if only in one's imagination...

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Imagination is not a bad place to start. 😉

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If we cannot imagine it then it cannot be manifested, so the task is to imagine and to create a world that we all wish to live in 🙏

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I watched "top gear" the other day, old cocoon shills.......racing on thw desert , spending lerge amounts of money on stupidity .

They mentioned climate change and ebola repeatedly, predictive and suggestive programming.

Worship your cars Brits, none of your cars are British British anymore, most Nazi vehicles designed in prep for war.

When they pull the plug on fuel, they'll be scrap.

" They watch and are stupid people"

EV car batteries made by child slave labour in poverty stricken lands........ they're good for the environment...NOT! 😪

The war propaganda shows on the BBC are ramping up!

Not owned a TV in 20 years, watching it made me sick to the stomach


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It's MK Ultra mind control embedded in programming. It's a filthy thing, the TV is 🙏

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hahah, Elliot, Wow that was a brutal contrast! I am laughing, and I enjoyed it.

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So beautifully said and written!!! So honoured to have had any part in your putting this together. Thank you Elliot 🙏🏾🤗🤗🤗

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When your truth resonates at the highest level of human existence, you become relevant to the process of saving humanity and raising up the collective consciousness. You are doing this, and the courage to speak the truth, is what sets you, me and many others apart, from those simply repeating the old and obsolete paradigms. You apply your spirit to openly embrace the truth, and the truth shall set us all free 🙏💜🙏

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Thank you! It’s an honour to be here with you at this time 🤗💙💫

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🙏💜🙏Thank you for being a courageous truth teller, and for sharing this space with me 🙏

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Sounds like what I am aiming for. When One grasps that societies run by primary (genetic) psychopaths (like Ours) will see secondary (conditioned) psychopathy emerging, it becomes clear the the problems We face of the sort You describe can be solved for by eliminating the tool They use for power. (Money.)

This is a video I mirrored that helps grasp what I said:

Learn About The Human Psychopath (38 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8?

And an article I wrote...

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

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Thanks for the links Amaterasu 🙏💜🙏

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The ruling psychos seem to be desperate, so something's up in the great story of cosmic evolution, which I posit is a 'new earth' that vibrates at a higher level.

What troubles me is that so many psychos seem to be incarnating, and living off human suffering. Mind you, enantiodromia ensures a 'balance' is kept with some very wise and wonderful people also incarnating at the same time.

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Enantiodromia - this word- to me Is how consciousness always seeks equilibrium in the duality of manifestation, and inherently possesses an all pervasive requirement for correction and balance. Yes, Josh, there are many who have come to counterbalance the sickness of society, and you, me, Solarah and many brave souls are them that have arrived here to do so. 🙏

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Thank you for sharing your insights on 'enantiodromia'. It seems the stakes are being rapidly upped, and maybe this is necessary to open the way to greater clarity and discernment. I'm not a great fan of either/or forced choices, but it does seem (like with covid & vaccinations, or Brexit for the U.K), 'big' decisions are presenting themselves and people increasingly forced to choose 'yes or no'.

The idea of a third way, a middle way, seems to be getting lost. Perhaps when push comes to shove, there is no middle way. I like the Buckminster Fuller approach of not spending one's energy either supporting or attacking 'the system', but doing something entirely new that makes the system irrelevant.

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Yes, somthing that has never been done before, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 🙏

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