In 1988 I underwent my first kundalini awakening, without any knowledge whatsoever of what was actually taking place. This experience was closely linked with what James, my identical twin brother was already deeply in the throes of.
I voluntarily leaped in to the abyss of the unknown so that I could help to guide James through it. The following link pertains:
My life became caught up in a quagmire beyond my comprehension and triggered the process of illumination that has since occupied and influenced every aspect of my consciousness, requiring an ever increasing level of integrity around the concepts of my personal truth.
I gave up everything I was to become, my personal goals and ambitions, my very sense of personal meaning, in order that I could Be the person that I am now.
So this post comes with a personal caveat that one should never put into progress what they do not fully comprehend upon the outset. The consequences are so dire because the world in which we live is booby trapped by our own misconceptions of what it actually means to be alive.
There is no release until the process is completed.
Thereafter I underwent a series of spontaneous kundalini experiences throughout the last three and a half decades, tossed upon the stormy seas of breaking down the old and reforming it into the new, often wreaked upon the rocky shore of my own psyche, breaking down and remaking myself continuously within the furnace of my own becoming.
I became initiated by life into the very depths my own pain and existential quandary, of non existence in any real sense, so that I could become reknown through authentic struggle, and to arrive where I first began, more whole and complete as the person I was always meant to be.
The dynamic complexity of a consciousness in flux derives a more holistic understanding of the human condition, once bereft of truth, now fully realised.
The kundalini energy rises from the lower chakra to the crown chakra, rewiring the emotional and mental bodies in continuous rotation.
The integrity required to see through the completion of such a process is absolutely integral to the process of survival and success. There are no half measures; it's All or Nothing.
To be as an indistinct spirit traversing “the realm of hungry ghosts” requires and overcoming of fear and ego, and a shedding of all that we are not, to become all that we truly are.
We are all emanations of the divine seeking unity with our Creators Divine Will and Expression.
This journey is not for the faint of heart.
What we learn through kundalini energy is priceless but comes at the expense of our former lives, and to fail to honour this leads to the most dire consequences.
When all you have is the courage of your own convictions, there is no choice but to follow them and to stand upon this hallowed ground.
Please share your kundalini experiences and any relevant materials and resources that you may have, in the comments section below.
This will be a living document to which I will add more resources.
Many thanks for being here with me🙏💜🙏
Thank you for posting again. Have watched the first two videos and I know what they are talking about. A major experience of 'awakening' of mine was in 1999 on vision-quest, preceeded by choosing to leave behind my old secure life the year before, and decoupling from the guilded cage of inherited beliefs and culture's pressure to conform. A combination of the physical, mental, and spiritual all at once - all or nothing. (I must have decided to do my mid-life crisis 'properly' 😀).
It certainly left me floating in a very disconcerting head-space, with no anchors and everything up for grabs from scratch. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it - it's scary. But I was helped through it all by going on a wood-working course, reading poetry, creative pursuits, shouting at the sea, kite-buggying, and a wonderful person.
I am going through a dark night of soul all over again. I had a blissful, enlightening experience at the age of 4 or 5, way too young for a kundalini activation and I could barely handle the psychotic experiences that followed. I am cycling through it again, it got triggered when I started writing a few years ago. And on top of that menopause... ugh..:)
I don't know where I am going, up or down, I call it ascedending.
Bernhard Guenther explains it so well: