Thank you for posting again. Have watched the first two videos and I know what they are talking about. A major experience of 'awakening' of mine was in 1999 on vision-quest, preceeded by choosing to leave behind my old secure life the year before, and decoupling from the guilded cage of inherited beliefs and culture's pressure to conform. A combination of the physical, mental, and spiritual all at once - all or nothing. (I must have decided to do my mid-life crisis 'properly' 😀).

It certainly left me floating in a very disconcerting head-space, with no anchors and everything up for grabs from scratch. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it - it's scary. But I was helped through it all by going on a wood-working course, reading poetry, creative pursuits, shouting at the sea, kite-buggying, and a wonderful person.

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I am going through a dark night of soul all over again. I had a blissful, enlightening experience at the age of 4 or 5, way too young for a kundalini activation and I could barely handle the psychotic experiences that followed. I am cycling through it again, it got triggered when I started writing a few years ago. And on top of that menopause... ugh..:)

I don't know where I am going, up or down, I call it ascedending.

Bernhard Guenther explains it so well: https://youtu.be/TFtRdKoZQVc

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Excellent link - I've subscribed, thank you🙏 Descent is the backward swing of the pendulum that powers the strength of ascent. ALL The Best Wishes Belinda. Use all of the wisdom you gain to make that swinging pendulum slingshot you upwards into higher consciousness. Children have elasticity that we all need to develop in our journey towards source. The dark night of the soul forces us to discard that which would otherwise hold us back and it's a gift in disguise. Living beyond ego will increasingly become easier with time. Temperence is advised. 🙏💜🙏

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@Tesstamona has often mentioned kundalini yoga, now you. This must mean something for me. I will look into it and see how I’d be physically able to do this.

Thanks Elliot. I’ve saved this pub for re-reading.

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You are supported by those of us here that have been sent to offer the guidance that we most often wished we had had ourselves 🙏💜🙏

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A deep and humbling experience for me 🙏💙💫

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