Nov 20, 2023Liked by Elliot Murray

Regarding the concept that human beings create our own reality, John Milton put these words into the mouth of Lucifer: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

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I have heard many such utterences and I know their truth. Heaven and hell are mental states... But there's more to it. I've combated this. I've been to hell, because I believed that by overcoming fear I could vanquish the enemy within. I sought out fear so that I could reclaim my sovereignty. It isn't a venture for the light hearted.

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There no journey as valuable

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Agreed. Dante and Blake... They knew what they were on about.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Elliot Murray

The eternal nature of consciousness is the key. We are a particle of divine consciousness in a three dimensional field of divine consciousness. Everything is projected onto divine consciousness. God is everywhere and knows everything. Omniscient and Omnipresent.

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I inherited a private library in 2011. including works by and on the Greats. A lot of rare or unusual topics and first editions. Since thence I've been working through them, expanding and grokking my mind. 3.5K down - 1.5K to go.... Milton, Dante and Blake are now high on the pile. I am fortunate. Peace, Maurice

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Way to go!

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having lived the lottery of life very much in the sense of Jane's writings..... Well Elliot that's pretty much how I garnered the substance of most of the stories I write, and you have so kindly commented on. They are in turn the outpouring of the philosophies that life has delivered. We are who and what we are, and the best learnings in Hell carry us to the next Way Station. Peace and rock on, Maurice

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Apologies for the late reply. The skill Maurice, I believe, is alchemising what we already know, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater prior, and allowing an organic process of assimilation.

Take every one of our experiences and reduce them down to their lowest entropy state, in the consciousness system, Using these seeds to plant within our own intellectual and spiritual gardens.

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I'm a seeker, not a teacher, but this much I will share; I am not my thoughts, feeling or beliefs, and I am not my ego. I don't belong to the culture cult that helped manifest my ego, my false identity.

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Author

James, you speak my language here. Also the language of Tom Campbell, who wrote My Big TOE. "EGO is Awareness in the Service of FEAR." The Authentic Path or the Path of Authenticity, bypasses Ego to the state of Egolessness, and is the only true path. The one of Ego manifests as of Lies and Deceit, in a Society that has lost touch with itself.

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That's right! There's too much ego in the world and not enough authenticity. Humanity is still in an animalistic phase that proclaims it is a spiritual creature knowing god and has attained godlike attributes. This is ego revealing its true nature - deceit, impersonation, glory, and power.

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Our leaders have abandoned their posts. They are no longer the sentinels of Eden, they are the goalers of Hell. Who, I ask, will step into the places of guardianship of humanity if not but ourselves?

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Maybe, Maybe Not.

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I am the Ego, the Affray, the Spoof and the Dark

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"I am the Light, the Love and the Truth."

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Author

Exactly as you say, it is. This is an Universal Truth. We choose to participate in thoughts and feelings, "as though" they are our own. They can be if you choose it. But they remain choices nevertheless. We have Free Will, what we do with it, is up to the Individual.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Elliot Murray

I read the Seth Speaks books early on, but once they got into physics and calculations they lost me. It launched my search for truth and opened my eyes.

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The works of Seth are seminal. There are certain truths that are universal. Jane Roberts, the instrument, had the apparatus of intellect to allow herself to be used as a channel. Yet her apparatus was not infallible and there may be one or so other interpretative anomalies that could have added an inflection here or there, in the conveyance of the material being transmitted from alternate dimensions of reality. Yet it is difficult to find a more comprehensive study of the Metaphysical.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Elliot Murray

Jane was one of the first channelers. She did a lot to establish the grid we use today.

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I agree. When you look beyond the obfuscations of the New Age charlatans, you can see how that grid in one way or another, was accounted for by Seth.

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