I am an identical twin. No one understands our bond, not even my ex husband. She is the other part of my heart and soul. My soulmate. We do everything together and share everything. We just finished law school together. We raise my kids together. If I buy something for myself I buy her one too. I’m not happy if she’s not happy and vice versa. I had twin boys three years ago and they are best friends. I am so thrilled they get to have each other forever.

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May 4·edited May 4Author

Twins skip a generation normally... I hope yours enjoy a long and happy togetherness 🙏

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"I believed that if I could overcome spiritual despair it would, similarly to entangled pairs of electrons, produce effects for James." That makes perfect sense to me. Hang in there. I am sorry it has been such a long and hard road, but I believe your idea is a wise and true one.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22Author

🙏Thank you 🙏

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Feb 21Liked by Elliot Murray

God bless you brothers. Thank you for the insight.

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🙏Thank you🙏

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This writing is beautiful. I love you.

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May 4·edited May 4Author

Why, thank you 🙏💜🙏 You're so sweet!

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May 4Liked by Elliot Murray

No twin but I feel you, my dear friend, your soul speaks wordless words of longing and belonging. A string of feelings floating into the All. Take care 💙🙏💙

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I have pondered what it would have been like having a twin. Going through life alone is a challenge, but I guess there are challenges too for twins. Thank You for the insight!

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🙏Thank you🙏

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I've watched a couple of the videos; there's quite some stories there. May your own 'double-story' find a good resolution. Thank you for posting.

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🙏Thanks Josh 🙏

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this feels like deep pain. Of course you are connected at source ~ and in spirit ~ grown in the same womb from the same egg at the same time. I imagine he misses you as much as you miss him. 💕🙏

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🙏Thank you Veronika 🙏

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Wow, Elliot. Yours is quite the story and journey, my brother. Thank you for sharing it with us. 🙏

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🙏Thank you Jacqueline🙏

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That picture and its caption made me lol out loud.

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These separations are awful with lasting effects. You are absolutely correct. Twindom is such a tender realm which only twins can really grasp. I hope there is a reconnection on the horizon at the correct time. Sending my intention for reconnection. Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🏽💜🍑

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Hey there, I am reading this a second time and responding a second time. I just want to send you and your brother James some extra energy today. I want to reinforce that bond you have by sending my thoughts and energy toward it, right down that line. I want to recognize your connection in the interconnectedness of all things. May James heal and recover more fully. May he have peace in his heart. May he find healing today in the sound of the river or the birds or the air outside moving. I already know how that would effect you and affect you. I am glad you are giving words to what really matters to you. I am sorry for your struggle. It must be hard to give that one words.

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Thank you Amy, it means so much, my friend. Although at times its problematical to ascertain the purpose of things, our lives are written in the heavens and the stars, and there is a grand design that overlays our lives.

When the divine purpose reveals itself we can know why and how the universe unfolds just the way that it should. Those who are effected by my words are receiving transmissions that fine tune their own emitting frequencies, that draws deeply from their own divine plans, and perhaps this is true for every speaker of love, light and truth. For all Lightworkers and Starseeds everywhere. For those of us here and now.

Your sweet nature is a blessing that gladdens my heart 🙏💜🙏

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May 5Liked by Elliot Murray

Beautiful, while painful. Thank you for sharing. I have a twin- fraternal. Everything you said is true about twins- in my opinion. Thank you for sharing about your brother.

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You're welcome, Mary 🙏🙏🙏

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May 4Liked by Elliot Murray

I have bonds with others which cannot be broken once formed. Sometimes I tried very hard to break the bonds but, in so doing, found that I only hurt myself more.

One day I realised that I could not break the bonds and therefore should not try. From then on I was happy.

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Thank you Francis If it's meant to be there are normally clear signs and the contrary is also true. And it normally boils down to how much we and they are prepared to give, as well as take. Where there's an unfair imbalance, the situation is self evident. I find breaking such bonds difficult, but when I break them, or they are broken by others, they stay broken.

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May 5Liked by Elliot Murray

There is such a bitter edge to you! It is clear from your story (or lack of it) that you do not have any concept of the unity of all life. I think of it like water.... capable of being a fine and individual droplet suspended in air like mist yet also, capable of being a powerful unified tsunami. This vast variation of form is even more magical than that because water is eternal and cannot be destroyed.

That is why I understand the eternal nature of bonding and do not try to fight it.

The mere fact that you write about your 'broken' bond suggests that it is not at all broken but is, instead, deformed so much so that it hurts you and will continue to hurt you until you reconcile yourself to the eternal nature of life.

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May 5·edited May 5Author

Thank you for your opinion 🙏🤗

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Heartbreaking, but beautiful in the way it highlights how connected we can sometimes be through that anguish. It seems the Soul or spirit can grow through experiences of that sort at times, yet it rips us apart at the seams. I can’t even imagine the intensity of that as a twin, it must be deeply penetrating. And to have to choose trust and surrender when someone you are so close to is in so much pain. That’s really tough. I’m sure that your positive intentions for him and spiritual work do affect his soul positively, even if it does not show up that way on this plane yet. Sending blessings.

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Thank you Kaya. I must have faith that there was a reason for how things turned out so difficult. To make me stronger, I'm sure. Hardship drives us into the deepest parts of ourselves where we discover resources we could never have imagined.

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This essay.. i remember reading. broke my heart for reasons I dont know if I can speak on yet, but... thank you for sharing it.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Author

You are most welcome, Tess. You are no stranger to heart break, I know 🙏💔🙏 You are also a sensitive like me, and was able to feel my grief, and to know of my tears, as I wrote the piece 🙏

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Yes. The title alone I feel to the core. 🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Author

I can't help but feel and think about things deeply, as anything but imminent, and I can use that to counter the irreality of the fake plastic culture of forgetfulness, that pervades these modern times. 🙏💜🙏My teacher and dear friend Christa Faye Burka told me that when you are being squeezed out of your own life, then that life was never meant for you, and you may not be where you are meant to be. Attachments of the energetic kind hold our energies back from moving forward and we can become caught in the catch 22 of being held captive by past pain, whilst feeling the need to move forward in order to grow, learn, live and dance. 🙏💜🙏

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THAT is beautiful -- "the feeling of being squeezed out of your own life" holy shite yeah i get that. As well as the process of release and walking onward. Thank you for sharing that with me. 🙏

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